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The Pilgrim College Guidance Blog

News, trends, insights, and the occasional self-indulgent fluff piece

Photo credit: Jen Jordan Photography

The Difference Between College Counseling and College Consulting
Benjamin Lah Benjamin Lah

The Difference Between College Counseling and College Consulting

Well, I did mention that there would be the occasional “self-indulgent fluff piece…” If this is the first blog post you’ve read on this site, I would probably recommend reading a different one. You’ve been warned. But it’s been a while since I’ve written anything and I did want to address this topic since I just finished my first semester at my new school. It’s been eye-opening how many families hire outside counselors even though they have a dedicated and experienced college counselor (not guidance counselor) at their disposal. In the past, I was annoyed at how many families hired out, but after consulting for a few years and now being back in the independent school world while finishing up with my current clients, it doesn’t bother me as much. I’ll share some insight into the difference between my work in both roles. I suppose my audience for this post is families who are part of independent schools who are considering hiring out.

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I Just Used ChatGPT to Write a Post
Benjamin Lah Benjamin Lah

I Just Used ChatGPT to Write a Post

I asked ChatGPT to write a blog post on why using AI to write college essays was not advisable and this is what came out almost instantly. The content looked okay enough, but that’s the thing. It was just okay. But it didn’t sound like me, I mean, it wasn’t nearly snarky enough, amirite? But seriously, my greatest worry about students using AI for essays and supplements is that it will take personality away from their applications. The main purpose of the essays is to humanize applicants. Every other part of your application is mean to impress: the transcript, test scores, activities, even letters of recommendation. Essays make you interesting. Take that away and you look more like a robot than a human being.

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