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The Pilgrim College Guidance Blog

News, trends, insights, and the occasional self-indulgent fluff piece

Photo credit: Jen Jordan Photography

What Goes in a Counselor Letter of Recommendation?
Benjamin Lah Benjamin Lah

What Goes in a Counselor Letter of Recommendation?

As I’ve been getting to know my juniors, I’m already in recommendation writing mode. In fact, I’m in letter writing mode all the time. Every time I notice something notable or hear a memorable story or even a brief snippet, I like to write it down for future reference. Maybe it’ll make the letter, maybe not, but everything contributes to the whole picture I see when I think about each individual student. But what actually goes in a counselor letter of recommendation? Content will always vary, but here’s an overview of what is typically presented to admissions.

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Not A Normal Year
Benjamin Lah Benjamin Lah

Not A Normal Year

There’s something about the first week of school that never gets old. After a summer of personal transition and relative idleness, being around the energy of students again is a nice change of pace, even as application season looms. College admissions also never seems to get old, but for very different reasons. For such a cyclical process, no two years are ever alike. I’m not sure what a “normal year” would even feel like, but it’s definitely not this year. There are major changes that were announced a while ago, and a few that are more recent developments. Here are a few I’d like to highlight.

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What Should High School Juniors Be Doing Right Now? – Spring Edition
Benjamin Lah Benjamin Lah

What Should High School Juniors Be Doing Right Now? – Spring Edition

I’ve always considered February to be a transition month. When I was a school college counselor, I would see symptoms of senioritis start to kick in as the juniors would begin their annual annexation of my office. It was always a fun time of year as the excitement of a new class would begin to manifest itself. February is kind of my September. But to juniors, this is still the middle of their overhyped yet still important year. I want to revisit a fall blog post about what I said high juniors should be doing. In this spring edition, you’ll see that many of the fall tasks have extended to the spring, but now we’re getting to the real work.

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What Should High School Juniors Be Doing Right Now?
Benjamin Lah Benjamin Lah

What Should High School Juniors Be Doing Right Now?

It’s approaching late October and I feel for high school juniors. The seniors who are applying early are well into the application process by this point. Meanwhile, the juniors are well into their “dreaded” junior year as they say, which is hopefully not as bad as people make it out to be. Maybe it’s a little too early to do anything college related. Or maybe not. Juniors, as your senior classmates and counselors are working hard right now, you might be taking some mental notes, but there’s a lot more you can actually do a year ahead of your time. Here are some things to consider.

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